Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Weight Loss Goals

Ok of course every year people make new year's resolutions to exercise, eat better and lose weight. I did real well with this when preparing for my wedding a few years ago and our honeymoon cruise, but since having Kyle, I have not really been doing all that well. I weighed myself around Christmas and was terribly disappointed in myself when I saw what that scale was telling me! I was 200 lbs! Jim has gained some of his weight back as well after losing right at 90 lbs when Kyle was born. So we have both started watching what we eat again as well as exercising.

Yesterday was my first day back at the Peabody Athletic Club and I was so scared to get on their scale even though I know I have been watching what I eat and exercising a little bit at home. I was at 190!!!!! that gave me the boost I needed to get out there and really get a good workout going.

I put myself on 20 minutes on the stationary bike and before I knew it I had biked for 7 miles. I then moved to the treadmill and walked for 1 mile and then jogged the 2nd mile. I also did 50 ab crunches on one of the weight machines using 70 lbs of weight. To relax, I took a good hot shower and then headed back to work. Amazingly, I got so much more work done and snacked on some reduced fat wheat thins with fat free cream cheese for my lunch than if I had went out to lunch with my friends and come back full, lazy and sleepy!

Watching the Biggest Loser on NBC is a great motivational tool too. I wish I could afford to have a personal trainer that would really make me have a great workout and be able to really see the results from it so I just have to hope that what I am doing will start paying off and then keep it off!!

Would love to have any comments from others that are also trying to lose weight and get healthy!! Here is my before picture and I will post another picture in a month to see my progress :)


Shawna said...

You hold your weight well! I never would've guessed your weight quite a bit lower than that! Good for you in wanting to be healthy! I've been a member of the free website,, for over 2 years now. I've lost 45 pounds and have about 20 more to go. It's all in making good habits and getting rid of the bad habits.

Shawna said...

Sorry, I meant to say "I WOULD've", not "I NEVER would've".