Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Prayers Needed

I know I have not been blogging as much as I hoped, but hoping to get back on track here soon!

Please keep my husband's family in your prayers. His Uncle Bruce (Ed) Wilson has been battling cancer for a few months and we thought he was doing much better but the past couple of weeks have been pretty rough for him and his wife, Judy. He has taken a turn for the worse and the more people we have praying for them, hopefully they will be able to feel the arms of our God wrap around them and hold them tight to give them the strength that they are needing at this time. Uncle Bruce is Jim's mother's brother. Sadly Jim's mom, Shirley, was called to the Lord a few years back and his father, Harry, was called to the Lord when Jim was a freshman in college, so this is hitting very close to home for him.

I just wish they lived closer or that we lived closer to them so that we could do more than just send support via email, phone and prayer chains. They are great people and I know that she has told me numerous times that she is very grateful for the friends that they do have there because they have been a tremendous help in their time of need.

Please pray for them to find the strength that they need and hope that Uncle Bruce gets to go home soon.

God Bless and so long for now

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