Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yet again...

I was too tired to get on the computer last night so I am doing it now!

Yesterday I was super busy at work, but Irene, Kathy and I did go to the Peabody Athletic Club for our workouts during lunch and it was fabulous! I did one mile aerobic workout on the eliptical while watching Judge Hatchett, then I moved to my beloved ab machine and did 75 reps with 60lbs, then it was on to the arms with 25 reps of 40 lbs and I finished up with about 10 minutes on the stationary bike before hitting the showers. Came back to the office and had a weight watchers hamburger steak & mac-n-cheese for lunch at my desk and worked worked worked!

Went to pick up Kyle from my parents home and he watched Yo Gabba Gabba during our 1/2 hour commute. When we got home, daddy was waiting on us and I quickly changed back into my workout clothes and we went for our nightly walk. Boy my legs were feeling the earlier workout, but it sure felt good! We then had deli sandwiches for dinner and we looked over different details from Disneyworld that we need to get with the kids tonight so we can start choosing where we want to eat on our trip in a few weeks.

Kyle went down after our nightly bedtime routine without a hitch and then Jim and I proceeded to watch "Moment of Truth", "Hell's Kitchen" and "The Mole". Ryan and Shelly had been at VBS at the church down the street from us with the girls across the street.

I was completely and utterly exhausted, so I turned in after our shows and slept great till that dang alarm went off this morning!!!!! LOL

Have a great day everyone!

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