Well Friday when I left work I headed out to run my shopping errands to prepare for our upcoming trip. Kyle got to stay at my mom's since I was on my own for the weekend. Jim and the boys had gone to Parker's Crossroads for a Civil War reenactment but were due back early Sunday morning so that we could be together for Father's Day. I went to Shoe Carnival to swap out a pair of shoes for Kyle that were the wrong size. Then I went to Archiver's (scrapbook store) to get things to make us autograph books for Disneyworld. After that, I headed to TJ Max to look for some good bargains on some clothes that we need for the summer and then finally to Walmart. I picked Kyle up around 9:30 pm and headed to the house. I met up with a lady that had made purses for my daughter, my mother (for her birthday) and I and then got things unloaded from the van. Kyle and I did his nightly routine and about the time I got him laid down in the bed, BOOM...the bottom let out of the skies and it stormed for quite some time. I had asked my dad what he was going to be doing on Father's Day and he had told me nothing and that he would probably be home alone. So I offered to come and get him to spend the night with Kyle and I and then he could go to church with us and have breakfast and then after church go out to eat for lunch. He said that sounded good and I told him I would check in with him on Saturday afternoon to figure out when to pick him up. I then began organizing the things I had brought in and watched Young and the Restless before heading to bed for the evening.
Saturday Kyle and I got up and hit the door again to run some more errands and finish getting Jim's Father's Day gifts. When we returned home, two of the girls from across the street came over to lend a hand with the animals and some other house chores since it was just Kyle and I and I really wanted to get the house organized some more while Jim was away with the boys. I then watched some more tv while Kyle was taking his nap and then played a few games with the girls before they had to go back home. When I called my dad to arrange the pickup time, he informed me that he would not be going with me because mom had not gone to my aunts house for the weekend like he thought she was and that he was not sure what the boys were going to be doing for him. This upset me a lot because I had tried to make plans with him and then I got brushed off to the side as if spending time with me was not important. I did not let him know I was upset and quickly got off the phone before bursting into tears. I feel that its always about my brothers and I don't matter. Their plans come before mine. Their pictures are all over the house and the pictures that I gave them for Christmas with my entire family together (which is a really good picture) is still in the gift bag, hanging on the back of the door in the room that they babysit in. Later that evening after I put Kyle down for bed, I watched a movie that Jim had taped for me that was pretty good. When he called to see how we were doing, we talked for a good half hour and then he surprised me by saying ..."are you going to turn the alarm on tonight?" and when I responded "no, so you can get in the house in the morning without waking us", he replied "Good, cause I am in the driveway!" LOL He had surprised me by coming home early!! But then I had to jump up and hide his presents that I had not wrapped yet and put off making his Father's Day card until later!
Sunday we got up and went to church and I did not have to teach Sunday School because they were doing a Father's Day breakfast. Service was great and I tried real hard not to get emotional. They did candle burnings for those that have departed and I had donated money in memory of Jim's dad, Harry Cacy, my dad's dad, Clifton Shelly and my mom's dad, Bill Lawrence. Afterwards we went to our favorite mexican restaurant for lunch and it was YUMMY! When we returned home, I started working on the house again and then later in the afternoon called my father to wish him a Happy Father's Day. Jim opened his gifts and enjoyed those as well as the homemade scrapbooking cards that we had made him. Then I started cooking lasagna to take over to Coach D's house since they had finally made it home with little Brody. We took lasagna, salad and texas toast over for them to enjoy so that they would not have to cook on Father's Day. It was a great feeling to do something for a family that we adore that was in need of help.
Yesterday, I was very busy at work and then after work, quickly headed home to get ready for BUNKO NIGHT!!! Bunko was at my house last night and thankfully I have a GREAT husband and GREAT kids that finished up with the cleaning and he even had made my taquitos for me. So I had minimal setup to do before the ladies started to arrive. We had 12 ladies playing and we had lots of laughter and lots of fun. After I won the consolitation prize of $25 we began the cleanup and then I went to the back to work on finishing my cards for my dad and for my mom's birthday so that we could give them their presents today when I dropped the kids off. I called my mom and wished her a Happy Birthday and then watched the first part of the Bachelorette and then Young and the Restless before I fell asleep during Y & R.
This morning Ryan had a follow-up appointment for his ADHD, which went well and quickly. Then I went to get Kyle and Shelly so that I could take them to my parents home. When we got there, they opened their gifts. Mom seemed ok...did not like her comment about the card we made but I voiced my opinion and then headed to my dad so I could watch him open his gift. He was very appreciative and then I headed to work before I said something I did not need to say to my mother.
Work has been steady. I went to work out at the gym with Irene & Kathy, which was great and when we returned to work I made me a bowl of soup to eat at my desk while I continued to work on more documents. After work, I will go and pick up Ryan & Kyle and head home. We are going to take the long walk today and then have leftovers for dinner. My plan for the evening is to finish up the laundry and then color my hair and take a long hot bath! Shelly is spending the night at my parent's house and tomorrow Kyle & Ryan are staying home with Jim.
Have a great rest of the afternoon at work and enjoy your evenings!!!
J, I am an old friend of Shirley Cacy,mother of Jim,and wife of Harry (deceased), when they used to live in Murfreesboro, Tenn. I taught Jim at Riverdale HS. I wonder if you folks are the same family. I would like to have word from Shirley--is she alive and well and how may I get in touch with her. Please reply. Thanks Linda Murphy
I am not sure how to get a hold of you. Please email me at jennifercacy@bellsouth.net or call me at 901-581-9744.
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